- Step 1: Click on "Enable" button on the panel console page in order to activate txAdmin.
- Step 2: Click on your txAdmin link, check the picture:
- Step 3: Whenever you are on your txAdmin page, you will need the PIN code:
- Step 4: Click "CONTINUE" to authorize txAdmin to use your cfx.re account information for your txAdmin panel.
- Step 5: Choose a “backup” password (You will be able to log in using this password if the connection with the cfx.re auth provider fails.)
- Step 6: Choose your server name instead of “change-me”.
- Step 7: Choose “Popular Receipes”.
- Step 8: Select your preferred template
* Step 9: After that you need just to click on "Save" - Step 10: For the rest of the steps click on "Next"
- Step 11: After getting to this step, you need to enter your FiveM licence key:
- Step 12: Right now we need to enter our Database details, click on "Show/Hide Database options":
- Step 13: We need first to create a Databse from our game panel from 'Databases' Tab.
You need to click on " New Databse" & enter a name for your database & keep the second field empty or enter "%" - Step 14: We click now on the "eye icon" in order to see our database full details:
- Step 15: Right now we have to enter these details back to our txAdmin:
Database Host: mysql.gravelhost.com
Database Username: we copy "USERNAME" field content
Database Password: We copy "PASSWORD" field content
And for the Database name, we should go back to "Databases" tab & copy it: - Step 16: We click finally on "Run Recipe".